

Message from the Head of School

Imagine Armstrong
We live in a part of the world built on imagination. Bay Area entrepreneurs, engineers, investors, and visionaries have seen the world as it is and imagined what the world could look like.  So many individuals in our communities have tackled problems by building thoughtful and creative solutions.
Our founder, Dr. Wilbur Mattison Jr., who turned 100 on July 11, 2022, had the same creative inspiration when it came to dyslexia. He saw how students with language-based learning differences were struggling in local schools back in the 1960s and imagined a school that would be dedicated to their needs. The Charles Armstrong School was born.
Wilbur has told me that, even with his strong belief in what he was launching, he never could have imagined the success and impact that Armstrong would have on so many dyslexic students and their families.
For those of you who have attended or had family members attend Armstrong, you have experienced the Armstrong “magic.” For those of you exploring Armstrong for the first time, let me paint a bit of the picture.  
Everything we do at Armstrong is centered around students with dyslexia and related learning differences. Imagine all of your teachers receiving ongoing training on the Wilson Reading System and other literacy programs that help students become successful readers. Imagine classrooms that appeal to visual learners with multiple Smartboards and flexible, comfortable furniture. Imagine a small group learning language and math. Imagine a strong emphasis on social-emotional learning, so that students feel safe and engaged at school.  Imagine all students experiencing the joy of learning, sometimes for the first time.
Our educational program extends beyond core content areas as well. Outstanding specialty programs help us celebrate the broad array of student talents and interests. Armstrong students showcase their talents in our annual musical, sports leagues, art show, makerspace, and more. We imagine our graduates not only as stronger readers, but also as confident, well-rounded people, and kind and respectful global citizens.
Every school year brings a world of new possibilities.  For our returning students, imagine the personal and educational growth that lies ahead. For our new students and applicants, imagine a school that places learners like you at the center of all that we aspire to do and achieve. Imagine Armstrong.
All the best,

    • Neil Tuch

      Head of School

8th Grade Graduation Essay

I’ve become more confident, resilient and determined to thrive in my education. I will always continue to push through difficult times and be the best version of me. I have found myself and I am going to make a difference in the world.

Leadership Team

List of 8 members.

  • Photo of Neil Tuch

    Neil Tuch 

    Head of School
    (650) 592-7570
  • Photo of Elissa Whorl

    Elissa Whorl 

    Chief of Staff to HOS
    (650) 592-7570
  • Andrea Edwards 

    Director of Advancement
  • Photo of Sarah Fox

    Sarah Fox 

    Director of Lower School
    (650) 592-7570
  • Photo of Brandon Lee

    Brandon Lee 

    Director of Middle School
  • Photo of Brian Barish

    Brian Barish 

    Director of Admissions
    (650) 592-7570
  • Photo of Annie Phan

    Annie Phan 

    Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Photo of Rachael Cunningham

    Rachael Cunningham 

    Director of Teaching and Learning
    (650) 592-7570