
Ways to Give

Gifts to Armstrong can be made in a variety of ways.

List of 7 items.

  • Pledge Here

    Click here to pledge now. 
  • Credit Cards

    You may donate now online. These donations are immediately available to the school and are tax deductible to the donor.
  • Checks

    Checks, Payable to Charles Armstrong School can be sent to:
    Charles Armstrong School
    1405 Solana Drive
    Belmont, CA 94002-3653
  • Double Donation

    Click Here to check if your Employer will match your donation!
  • Corporate Matching Gifts

    Many corporations have programs that match or multiply, employees' donations to non-profit organizations. Please check with your employer about the availability of a matching gift program. When making a matching gift, please notify the Advancement Office at
  • Securities or Property

    Gifts of appreciated securities or property enable many donors to realize tax advantages, enabling the donor to deduct the full value of the donated stock or property, without incurring capital gain tax liability on the appreciated value. Please see the Stock Donation Form for instructions.
  • Planned Giving

    Many donors use planned giving as a method to make a more substantial gift to Armstrong School, as well as to provide additional estate planning benefits or income tax benefits. Those who have included Armstrong School in their estate plans or who have made a deferred gift become members of the Armstrong Legacy Circle.

    Planned Gifts Include:
    • Making a bequest to Charles Armstrong School in your will
    • Making Charles Armstrong School the beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy
    • Creating a charitable trust
    Making a gift of real estate or other tangible property
    You should review your personal estate plan with your financial and legal advisors when considering a planned gift. For additional information about making a planned gift to Charles Armstrong School, please email Andrea Edwards, Director of Advancement, or call at 650-592-7570 x1206.