Parent/Guardian Education - Common Ground Speaker Series -details below

@ Spieker Center Menlo School, Atherton
Caring, Connection and Wellbeing: How to Become a Hopeful Skeptic - Regaining Trust and Empathy in a Cynical World

Jamil Zaki, PhD
​Wed, Dec 4; 7:00-8:15pm PT 
Spieker Center
Menlo School, Atherton

Register HERE

​​​Our modern lives are filled with contradictions and worrisome trends, and our ability to empathize with and trust people outside our immediate circle seems to be lessening by the day. Luckily there are researchers and thinkers like Dr Jamil Zaki, Stanford professor and author of Hope for Cynics, who studies compassion and kindness - come hear the science and anecdotes behind Dr. Zaki's message that swapping "hopeful skepticism" for destructive cynicism can help us create the world we want to live in.

​About our speaker

 Jamil Zaki, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. Using tools from psychology and neuroscience, he and his colleagues examine how empathy works and how people can learn to empathize more effectively. He is the author of The War for Kindness and the recently published Hope for Cynics.
