LD Speaker Series - AI: Dyslexia & Technology

@ Virtuatl - registration required
12/7 – Artificial Intelligence (AI): Dyslexia and Technology (Josh Clark, The Landmark School)

Many believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can make a major impact on education and tackle some of the biggest challenges students and teachers face today. In many regards, AI has already improved our daily life greatly but how will it impact a world where students learn and digest classroom concepts differently and outside of traditional teaching methods and tools? As many positives AI could bring to the world of dyslexia regarding personalized learning, the fear of potential negatives of a modern technology being disruptive to students already facing classroom barriers weighs on the thoughts of parents and teachers alike. Join us as Josh Clark explores how educators can leverage AI to immerse students into more effective learning styles and explore initial concerns/fears of introducing new technology into the classroom. 
Bio: Josh Clark is currently Head of Landmark School (Prides Crossing, MA), a day and residential school for students in grades 2–12 with dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities (LBLD). He is also Chair of the International Dyslexia Association and an Expert Contributor to the global nonprofit Made by Dyslexia and Microsoft Education. Josh has brought the conversation of supporting the learning needs of students with language-based learning disabilities to learning communities across the globe and continues to use his platform to advocate for students and families in learning spaces across the country.